Little Desert / No Sister / Root Rat / B.C 15/9/17 Tote Upstairs
Little Desert / No Sister / Root Rat / B.C 15/9/17 Tote Upstairs
September 15, 2017
The Tote
Google Map

On Friday September 15th, come to The Tote’s upstairs bar and catch four bands, while also helping our resident Virgo-folks celebrate their birthdays. We’ve thrown together a few of our favourite musicians (and people) for the occasion, so if you’re not having a good time, you’re just not trying!

With wonderfully nuanced drums and bass, heaving organ, spectral guitar and THAT voice – enormous, warm and full-hearted – Little Desert will be playing their first show in many months. If you haven’t seen the ferocity and force which is Little Desert live, here’s a preview of what you’re in for:

PBS Drive Live –
‘Captive’ video –