Hope is a gift you don’t have to surrender, a power you don’t have to throw away. Living in the now can be challenging to justify the above sentence. However, I think that the word hope is vital if we are to get through this period of the pandemic. It’s challenging to stay focused at home when the only prospect of heading out is to go for a government certified walk in the park, creek trail, oval, street or whatever. Let’s not forget that we are staying at home and we are protecting the most vulnerable, the ones who are at risk and these people are not necessarily old. With this said, we can find solace in the word that I often find myself shying away from as a pretentious partner to ambition. For it is an ambition that stands in the way of hope. Anyone with eyes open can see the positives of a world where humans stay at home and stop running around all of the time. This ties into the argument for saving the world we need to stop breeding and reduce the overall human population. We have already been through the cognitive revolution, after all. It feels like we are already there. Birds are singing, frogs croaking, fish swimming, possums climbing, the air is cleaner, an anecdotal observation that Indian’s can see the Himalayas for the first time in 30 years. The changes are significant, and we may never be the same again is a proposition put forward with trepidation, but it may not be such a bad thing. I can honestly say that I hope that we don’t find ourselves in the same position as before, in fact, I loathe the thought of cars streaming down the road and sitting in traffic jams to work at peak hour. The bluster of humans shopping, going to meetings, driving kids to school – basketball, business, retail, entertainment, fitness, corporate, transport or whatever. Our levels of entitlement make us look ridiculous. Our disposition for a better life, instinct to have the best experience is exhausting. Is it these things that bring us hope? I know that we are social creatures and I miss the opportunity to be close to others but at what cost, maybe some things shouldn’t be the same.